on the anniversary date or 6 days later if the first payment fails, unless you cancel before.
Cancellation possible at any time via [email protected], +44 2 033 180 618 or on this link.
Look4Manual allows you to find the manual you need for all possible devices! We have more than 25,000 records, so you can find the record you need!
We decided to set up this manual search service because we realized that it was common to lose the manuals of our devices. Whether it's because we don't pay attention to them or because we buy a second-hand appliance, we often misplace the instructions for our appliances.
Thanks to Look4Manual you have the possibility to find more than 25 000 manuals! If you can't find the manual you need, don't hesitate to contact the Look4Manual consultants. They will find your manual and send it to you quickly by e-mail!